Play With Me (2002)
Enter a child’s play house and sit down. A small girl appears. Engage with her at your own risk.
Finalist, 2004 Anne Landa Award,
Art Gallery of NSW -
Serious Fun. Architecture and Games.
Architekturzentrum Wien,
Vienna, Austria2004
Anne Landa Award,
Art Gallery of NSW
Sydney, Australia2002
Play With Me,
Centre for Contemporary Photography
Melbourne, Australia -
Written and Directed by
Van SowerwineAnimated by
Isobel KnowlesSound Design
Cornel Wilczek & Phillip PietruschkaInstallation Construction
Nat BatesSupported by
Next Wave Festival
In the future, children don’t make friends, they give birth to them. So, what happens when a child’s fantasy of a living, breathing doll becomes a reality?
Meet Charlotte, an 8 year old girl. With a squeeze of her teddy bear, she gives birth to a playmate.
Expecting blends the real, the virtual and the not too distant future to examine the very contemporary notions of isolation and detachment. In an environment that appears nurturing, yet is ultimately controlling and lonely, a child’s body combines with a teddy bear to become a baby-making appliance. Your interaction with Charlotte does not serve to liberate her. Despite your best intentions, you can only perpetuate her disengagement with the social world.